Index and map

1 September to 15 October 2007.

Clickable map showing the route of our travels

Because of the scale not all places are linked to. Where places occur more than once, the link is to the first posting on which it is mentioned.

The details given for each posting in the chronological list below are: a running number, the first day of the posting, the title - which is a hotlink - and the main places included.

1. 1 September 2007 Back to France. Caen, Gien, Lac des Setton, Autun, Champagne-sur-Loue, Arbois, Cirq du Fer à Cheval, Arc et Senans, Buffard.

2. 10 September 2007 Buboes on our butties. Ornans, Buffard, Mont Poupet, Ivry, Recologne, Vesoul, Pesmes, Château de Joux, Les Fourgs, Switzerland, Fleurier.

3. 16 September 2007 Vendange. Champagne-sur-Loue and around, Arc-et-Senans, Poligny.

4. 22 September 2007 Ambre solaire. Louhans, Isérand, Gorges de l'Ardèche, Alès, St. Hippolyte du Fort, Ganges, Gorges de l'Hérault, St. Etienne d'Issenac, Marseillan, St. Chinian, Capestang, Canal du Midi, Minerve, St. Pons.

5. 28 September 2007 Midi-Pyrénées. Roquebrun, Narbonne, Lamalou, Herepian, Espinousses, Albi, Aveyron, Monastiés, Najac, Villefranche de Rouergue, Cajarc, Lot, Calvignac, St. Cirq Lapopie, Cahors.

6. 3 Octomber 2007 Villeneuve and Bergerac. Cahors, Albas, Fumel, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Bonaguil, Pujol, Monflanquin, Penne.

7. 5 Octomber 2007 Ile de Ré. Gironde, Royan, la Palmyre, Marennes, Rochefort, Ile de Ré.

8. 8 Octomber 2007 Mayenne and Calvados. Marais de la Vendée, Luçon, Laval, Mayenne, Caen, Paris.

In all Modestine travelled about 2900 miles and consumed 284 litres of diesel. Ferries and other transport accounted for another 500 miles or so of travel.